Monday, June 7, 2010

Saying "no" to what's not good for you

How do you say "no" to what's not good for you?

If you know you should not eat chocolate, but you want it, what's gonna keep you from eating it? A goal? Will power? A hammer? [just kidding on the hammer]

How do you say "no" when you have to? 

I was reminded about the power of saying "no" when one of my holiday visitors reminded me constantly by saying "no". It was my nephew Isaiah, who is 3 going on 20. I love his voice. I love his personality. He looks like an old man in a little boy's body. And he says "no". A lot. It's part of being 3. I don't take it too seriously, of course, that's probably because I don't have a 3 year old anymore. My youngest is 13 and has gotten out of the "no" stage long ago.

So, he says "no". He says "no" when he means "yes", he says "no" when he when he gets mad, he says "no" when he's happy. He just says it all the time.

So why can't we as adults say it? 

Why can't we say it when someone close to us does something that is wrong? 
Why can't we say it when we get in a relationship we shouldn't? 
Why can't we say it when we eat the wrong foods? 
Why can't we say it when we want to eat the wrong foods? 
Why can't we say it when we are pressured by others to eat the wrong foods?

What's wrong with saying "no"? 

Is "no" a bad word?

I ponder this as I have clients who are struggling with trigger foods, feeling helpless and bound to their bad choices, along with my own personal demons. How much of this could have been avoided by just saying "no"? How do you get strong enough to say "no"?

You just say "no".

You just say it. You just do it. You just live it. My Isaiah doesn't worry about the consequences every time he says it, he just says it. My Isaiah doesn't fret about setting boundaries, he just does it. My Isaiah doesn't care what the people around him think, he is who he is.

And I want to be just like him.

You get strong by saying "no" to what YOU KNOW is not good for you. You know in your heart. You know by your instincts. So, do it. Say "no". Will you?

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