Monday, October 19, 2009

Should I Join A Gym?

Is it absolutely necessary to join a gym to lose weight or get in shape?

This is a question I get all the time from women who need to know "What do I do?" and "How do I do it?".

It depends on the person.

When someone first talks about "getting healthy", their first thought is "I have to workout". "I have to workout" means - a place to workout, a time to workout and...a workout. Time is spent on planning a routine, planning to make time for this routine and then where will you do it. The focus of the new weight loss routine is "working out". For some, this means starting out gung-ho, going strong for approximately 2-3 days, then peetering out, frustrated and tired, take a few days off, and then - wait for it - start again on Monday. This cycle can go on and on endlessly. Do you know anyone who starts their weight loss program every Monday? Come on, tell the truth, I know you do. I know it may be you. It was me, once upon a time.

Getting healthy includes much more than just "working out". Unfortunately, working out is what we place the emphasis on, and get frustrated when we cannot make it work.

A good weight loss plan includes 3 major components - Strength training [working with weights], Effective cardio training and nutrition. I would also add a fourth component - internal strength. What is internal strength? The core of my business - Start With The Inside - finding your reasons why you are not doing something and fixing them, listening to your inner voice once again, and loving the person you are, regardless if anyone else does or not.

So, it's not all about the workout. It's about the workout AND nutrition. Percentage-wise? Get ready...
20% workout
80% nutrition

What? How can that be? Does that mean you only have to workout 20% of the time. Noooo. It does mean that you have to place much more emphasis on your nutrition plan WHILE you are working out for a well-balanced program. And nutrition is what most people have the most problem with. Anyway, to get back to our topic of do you need to join a gym, it can go either way.

• Are you motivated by other people or are you okay with being by yourself?
• Are you secure enough to workout in front of other people [and mirrors] or do you enjoy the privacy of your own home [and mirrors]?
• Does your budget allow you to join a gym?
• Can you schedule adequate time to actually go to the gym?

A gym can be a great motivating factor to get you to workout. There are other people, most with the same intentions as you. There is commardarie, access to every workout machine you can think of, classes. However, your home gym can also be a great place too. Some women are terrified to go to the gym - they don't want the guys to watch them [and you know those guys are watching you...], they don't know what to do in the weight room, they are scared and intimidated. Others need to be around people. It depends on you.

If you can purchase dumbbells and a bench, technically, you can lose weight at home by following a good program that includes strength training, effective cardio and proper nutrition. It can be done at home. IF you have the internal strength to do it. During the year that I lost the majority of my weight, I did not belong to a gym. I was too scared. And then when we did join a gym, I was too intimidated to do anything but cardio workouts for one year. It took me a long time to get the courage to workout in the weight room with the guys. So, I've worked out both at home and at a gym. Like I said, there are good things about both ways. It all depends on you and what will get you to take action.

No, it's not mandatory to join a gym. But it is important to do something, either at a gym or at your home for strength training and cardio workouts.

So it's up to you. Do you have the internal strength to do it. I know you do. If you don't know if you do or not, let me know and I'll help you find out.

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