Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Battle of the wills in weight loss

Weight loss is a battle. Nothing new, right? Why is it so easy to gain weight and so hard to get it off? It's a battle with...
  • Food - what to eat and what not to eat
  • Working out - getting through workouts that are tough
  • Excuses - keeping you from making progress
  • Time - scheduling workouts and food preparation
  • Family obligations - dealing with family members who need your time
  • Your mind - overcoming emotional obstacles from your past or present
  • Your will - your desire to make a change
How strong is your will? Can you overcome the battles that you face everyday?
  • Your WILL to succeed
  • Your WILL to change
  • Your WILL to live healthy
  • Your WILL
Your will can be your biggest enemy or your best supporter. Your will will get you through the hard times or break you. You have to find out if your will is strong or weak. So, how do you do that?

After living fit and healthy for almost 10 years now, it's almost become standard for me.
  • I am no longer tempted to overeat or eat things that aren't good for me.
  • I get in my workouts, even if they are tough. 
  • I set goals and overcome any excuses that I might have. 
  • I manage my time by planning ahead for my week. 
  • My family understands that they are my first priority. 
  • I have let go of past hurts and regrets. 
  • My will is strong. 
But, it's still a battle. I struggle with doing the right thing. I struggle with the direction to take my company. I struggle with my relationships. I struggle with setting goals and achieving them. But you just have to keep going on. The battle of the will's.
  • Will I - eat healthy today? It's pretty much a given, I will. 
  • Will I - workout today? Yes, even though I am injured, I will find something I can do. 
  • Will I - give up when times are tough or buck up soldier? 
One of my battles right now is swimming. I don't like it. I don't know if it is my time in the Potomac in September, but I don't like it now. Of the three triathlon sports, it is the one that I need the most help. I suck at it. I am slow. And it is a pain in the ass to schedule a swim workout in my life. But I have to do it. I'm injured and it is the only cardio I can do right now. So I do it, twice a week. And it is a battle every time I go there. It is a battle packing my workout bag. It is a battle driving over there. It is a battle changing, dealing with the hair, blah blah blah, but I just do it. About 20 laps into it, I start to feel ok. It is tedious. It is boring. But I always feel the same at the end. So glad I did it. Energized. Healthy. Happy to have won another battle.

Battles are not bad things. Battles show you how strong you are. Battles make you stronger so you can face the next one. In the battle of the wills, I am ready to take it on again, are you?

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