Monday, August 23, 2010

Could the answer to weight loss be in our feet?

Our feet are so important. They take us where we want to go. Our feet take us walking, even running. We stand on them for hours or walking to and fro. So, how can our feet help us in weight loss?

Unfortunately, we don't really think about our feet until we have a problem with them. And at some point, we all have some kind of problem with them. From stubbing toes to toenail problems to heel issues to plantar facsciitis, which is a common injury when you start working out. We notice the hurts from new shoes, from heels that are too high, or from shoes that are worn out. It's not fun when you're feet hurt.

Reflexology can be a way to help with not only your feet, but with all areas of your body. Reflexology is the physical act of applying pressure to the feet and hand with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work affects a physical change to the body.
You may have even see a Reflexology chart like the one here. Each part of the foot corresponds to a part of the body. For example, the head area is at the top of the foot and toe area. The pelvis and sciatic nerve are at the bottom of the foot. If you ever have a chance to visit a Reflexologist, I would highly recommend it. Even if you don't think it would work, just try it. Or you can ask your massage therapist about it.

How can it help in weight loss? 

The main benefits of reflexology are relaxation, pain reduction and rejuvenation. 
  • Relaxation - Helping the entire body relax by spending time rubbing your feet. 
  • Pain reduction - If you have a problem area in your body, focus on that area while rubbing your feet. 
  • Rejuvenation - Spending time on your body. 
Most of us do not spend enough time on our body. Yes, we workout. Yes, we try to eat right. Yes, we feed our bodies and yes, we may even put our feet up on the coffee table as we sit on the couch at night. But what about really focusing on our feet? Rubbing them nightly? Paying attention to their needs? Releasing stress?

Now, I may have lost some of you by now, but I encourage you to stay with me. This is one of my Health Tips for my book coming out soon. I consider it very important to my physical health, as well as emotional health, to rub my feet nightly. It doesn't take long. About 5 minutes. I keep a good aromatherapy lotion at my bedside table, I love Bath & Body Works, and each night before I go to sleep, I rub my feet. Rub your toes, your heels and your feet all over. Reflexology is a science of touch and rubbing your feet is a very good way to relieve stress. Do this nightly and you will see results. You will sleep better, you learn how to let go of stress and your feet will feel great!


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