Thursday, August 26, 2010

What to do about sagging skin aka Saggy Boobs, Part Deux

Ladies, I know this is a huge issue when you are losing weight, trying to lose weight or thinking about losing weight. I know this because I get questions on it constantly and out of all the blogs I've written over the last year, the most google-searched blog was the one entitled "Saggy Boobs". Now, I'd like to think this is from other ladies searching for an answer to weightloss obstacles and not a dirty old man googling something else...which brings me to my first point.

If you are a man, please consider being a gentleman right now and leaving this blog. I know, you're "interested" in losing weight, blah, blah, blah. I need to speak to the ladies right now, talk about personal stuff, and I don't need the pressure of thinking you guys will be reading this. Thanks so much.

Ladies, again, I will say this...if you are going to lose weight, esp. fat weight, you are going to lose weight in your breasts. See the previous blog for more detailed information. In this blog, I want to talk more about the emotional chaos that might happen to you when you lose a lot of weight.

Marketing and advertising in the weight-loss arena has done us wrong. Really and truly. We have come to see, and sometimes believe, things that just aren't real:
  • Unrealistic pills and potions designed to draw us in
  • Unrealistic photoshopping of models in magazines
  • Unrealistic expectations of what a body is supposed to look like
Seriously, what's real anymore? 

The pills are fake.
The pictures are fake.

We have become a society that doesn't like their own bodies, esp. women.

Ladies, we have to change this. We need to be proud of our bodies. And when I say proud I don't mean wearing skimpy clothing or flaunting them, I mean understanding that our words mean something when we talk about our bodies, understanding that our bodies are beautiful, understanding that they take us through our lives.

So, back to the boobs. Guys, I swear if you are still here, did I mention I am a brown belt in tae kwon do - GO! Now! Girls, when you lose weight, you will lose in your breasts. When you lose a lot of weight, you will lose in your breasts. But you have to keep going on, keep going towards your ultimate goal - whether that is a clothing size, weight, measurement, or bodyfat percentage. Then when you meet that goal, you need to maintain your new body and just wait it out.

Yes, wait it out. And this is the hard part. I told you in Part one how devastated I was when I reached my ideal weight how badly I looked in that area. It's terrible! Just wait it out. Keep eating healthy. Keep working out. Keep enjoying your new clothing size. Keep positive. Your body is a wonderment. Your body is amazing. So treat it as such. Now, I did pay a little bit more attention to that area - applying lotion every day. But I didn't do extra chest exercises to help that area. I just waited. And slowly, it got better and better, but it took a good year for that skin to adjust. And I was in my mid-30's. It will get better. You just have to wait it out. You have to maintain your weight and wait it out. Trust me, if you do this, you will realize that the body can adjust, the body can heal, the body is beautiful.

Now there are always going to be cases where [I hate to even say this] surgery may be an option. But I really don't see this unless we are talking about extreme obesity, more than 200 lbs. You see this on folks on The Biggest Loser where they lose extreme amounts of fat and are left with a lot of sagging skin. But remember, they do this in a short period of time. They don't have time to maintain their weight because it's all about the final show. For the average woman who is 20-100 lbs. overweight, surgery should not even be considered.

Part of losing weight is being patient with your body. Learn how to do this. Learn how to respect your body. Don't talk negatively about it - or to it. I encourage you to continue losing weight to meet your goals, even if your skin starts sagging. You can do it and yes, it will be alright.

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