Monday, August 23, 2010

What's so wrong with weight loss products?

Lose 10 lbs. in 2 weeks!
Drop 4 dress sizes instantly!

Wow! Just by taking a little product. A pill. A shake. A pill and a shake!

Eliminating entire food groups!

Does any of this sound reasonable to you? Seriously? Read it back slowly and really think about it - does any of this sound reasonable to you? Does it sound like common sense? Do you think it will really work? Well, millions do, because they're buying the products. They're buying into the pills and shakes and fasting programs. Spending thousands and thousands of dollars chasing the elusive - what? What exactly are they chasing?

Perfect health? 
Perfect body? 
Perfect life? 

Life is not perfect. So, what's so wrong with taking a weight loss product? As a fitness professional, here's my take. And let me just say - I know I am in the MINORITY when I say this - because I have seen all the sellout trainers, esp. the celebrity ones who endorse such products.

When you take a weight loss product, no matter what it is, you are telling your body "You can't do it, you need help"

There, I said it.

"You can't do it, body, you need help. Here, take this pill and let it help"

A little extreme? Really? What exactly are you telling your body? You know I am big on what you say to your body because I believe your body will respond. So, here's my BIG problem with taking a weight loss product:

What does your body do when you stop taking it? 

99% of the time, you regain the weight. Because, seriously, if these products "worked" - then wouldn't we all be fit and healthy? If they WORKED?

Here's my other BIG problem with taking a weight loss product:

Your body remembers that it worked, even if it is for a short, temporary time. 

I've seen this a lot with people and diets such as the Atkins Diet. They do it for a short period of time, then go back to normal because it is unsustainable for their lifestyle. But they "remember" when they lost the weight. They "remember" that for a short time, it was successful. So in their mind, whenever they want to lose weight, they "remember" parts of the diet - cutting out carbs mainly - and resort to doing it again, until they remember why they quit that crazy diet in the first place.

They are telling themselves that their body cannot lose weight without that diet.

I believe the opposite.
  • I believe you CAN lose the weight. 
  • I believe you CAN do it without pills, or shakes, or instant programs. 
  • I believe you CAN change your body and your life. 
I believe it because I've done it. I've taken the pills, I've taken the shakes, I've tried all the programs. They don't work. 

I work.
I listen to my body.
I listen to my inside voice.
I do what's right for my body.
I put up my blinders to today's marketing and advertising and I do what's right.
I don't look for the quick fix, I look for permanent change.
I feed my body good foods because I want to.
I workout because I want to.
And I've never been healthier.

And you can too. So, will you? 

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